FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

General of the Akairavess

Name (Akairavess) You have to give your Akairavess a name. At least the first name! You can also give your Akairavess a second and last name.

First name and second name may be used multiple times. One and the same combination of first and second name is not allowed.

For example

Akairavess 1: Maxim Maximus

Akairavess 2: Maximus Maxim X


Akairavess 1: Maxim Maximus

Akairavess 2: Maxim Mamamama

Akairavess 3: Maximus Memememe

Last names may only be used once. (Exception: families / married people)
Age (Akairavess) The Akairavess have the same life expectancy as normal humans and become usually up to 100 years old. (Exceptions are the gods)

Baby: 0 - 3 years
Child: 4 - 14 years
Teen: 15 - 20 years
Adult: From 21
Akairavess magic Magic may be used multiple times, as well as their symbols. But you can always use other colors, but they still should always be suitable.

Akairavess can use their magic at any time except to others - unarmed and innocent Akairavess.
Blood etc.

The blood of the Akairavess is always in the primary color. Blushed cheeks etc. are also in Primary color.

Optional: The tongue can be normal colored or in the primary color.The same applies to the Ravess.


The skin of the Akairavess is pitch black, but you may also like to use lighting, etc., and make the skin look brighter (gray). But it can't be skin colored! The same applies to the Ravess.

Sex parts, sexuality and sex The Akairavess have normal sex parts like us humans. So they can also have normal sex, but Akairavess don't get a child in the normal way. (More below)

You can freely choose the sexuality of the Akairavess. Transexuality etc. everything is also allowed.
Normal birth / place of residence Usually normal Akairavess are born without proper parents / family. They are normally born through an Akai Materia, somewhere in the world.

You can choose, how / where your Akairavess is born.
(Exception: birth within a family, more on that below.)

Your Akairavess can either be born through the great Akai Matiera on Aine Og or through a small Akai Materia on a continent of your choice. (Remember, your akairavess is brought to Aine Og after birth on another continent, but his birth continent is the continent you chose.)

With the teenager age, Akairavess can then move.

In the period from birth to adolescence, the Akairavess live mostly in shared flats or are even assigned their own apartments or adoption families. You can also live in the great outdoors on Aine Og.

Again, you have free choice.
Family / marriage / children / birth of children within a family

With the help of a quest, your Akairavess can marry. He can divorce himself at any time and can marry again at any time. He can only be in a one marriage at a time.

Hetero and Homo Marriage is allowed, but no incest. Only 2 Akairavess can marry (a 3 or more).

If an Akairavess couple decides to have a child, this is possible with the help of a quest.

Akairavess will not get pregnant.
If they decide to get a child, the Akairavess must at least have slept together once and be married! Then the couple goes to the gods Yvel and Nnari on the Akai Tower.
There, the couple then approaches the Akai Materia and the couple then touches it. The rings of Akai Materia then shine in the primary and secondary colors of the newborn baby, and within the matter, the baby is born.
Yvel and Nnari then carefully remove the baby from the Maeria and hand it over to the parents.

Design Parents?

On the topic of parents; You are welcome to draw the parents of your Akairavess, but they are not considered as official Akairavess and therefore may not be used any more, for example in RPG or all your drawings. Occasionally reviews / drawings together with the parents or the history of your Akairavess from birth to date are ok!

If you want to do more with your Akairavess parents (for example, that they have a family business, which everyone can visit, and so on), you can do that with MYO.

Of course, this does not apply if your current Akairavess marries and gets a child.

Size Akairavess Normal Akairavess are between 1.30 m - 1.90 m tall.
Sagar-born Akairavess can grow up to 2.50m.
Please keep to the given sizes. Larger or smaller deviations are not allowed.
Size Ravess Normal full-grown Ravess are between 2 m - 2.40 m tall.
Ravess born on Sagar can be up to 2.90 m tall!
Young Ravess are between 1.20 m - 1.70 m tall.
Animals / pets In the world of Akairavess live the same animals as in our world, but these are usually pitch black and have at least a primary color.

As in our world, Akairavess can own pets in addition to their Ravess companions. Mainly only small animals. You can easily assign these pets to your Akairavess without first having to sign them up first.

Larger animals must be approved.
Name (Ravess) Ravess have only one name. The names of the Ravens can't be used twice within the Ravess!

An akairavess may also wear the name of a Ravess.
Age (Ravess) Ravess are usually up to 50 years old.
Young: 0 - 20 years
Grown up: 21 - 50 years
Hobbies Your Akairavess can  have whatever hobby he likes.
You can also write this under "Occupation" on the Akairavess Sheet.
Outfits Your Akairavess can own as many outfits as he likes.
However, the scarf must always be the same and always be worn!
Akaiva School Any Akairavess can just start at the Akaiva school and work through the quests to completion at his own pace. Remember that the posts / contributions must always comply with the guidelines. (E.g. wear school uniform.)

Send us your contributions for the individual quests for the approving. You are welcome to share your contributions after the gradution on your pages.
Clans You can not join a clan until you complete the Akaiva School.
When you finished school, you'll need to complete the form and send us admins, if you want to join a Clan.
(Joining a clan is not optional. You can also simply finish school and not join a Clan afterwards).

You can choose a clan of your choice, but the gods (we) sometimes suggest matching clans. But finally you have the choice!

Your Akairavess wears the clan logo somewhere on his clothes or as tattoo on his body after joining a clan!

Once you've chosen a clan, you can not change it! But you can leave your Clan and eventually come back to yours.

Of course, besides the clan, your Akairavess can still do a job.
Seasons on the individual continents There are no seasons!
Language The Akairavess speak the languages of our world.
The two main languages are German and English.
You are also welcome to speak other languages. (Japanese, Spanish, French etc.)
Religions There is no real religion in the Akairavess. They only believe in their existing gods (Yvel and Nnari).
For these there are also temples on various continents.
Tattoos Tattoos are possible, but ALWAYS have to be white and recognizable as a tattoo. Tattoos must first be approved by admins, so that they are not confused with body drawings.
Past / Future

You may like to draw your Akairavess, as he has lived in his past as e.g. Child or baby.

You may also like to draw your Akairavess as he imagines his life or in the future.

BUT; You can't draw his Akairavess ONLY in his past or future, otherwise misunderstandings can occur.

General about Akairavess acquisition, group life and more!

Do I have to redeem my MYO immediately? No. But after one year, your MYO expires and it can no longer be used.
 May I give away my MYO?  Yes of course! But let us know in advance who you are giving it to or if you want raffle it.
BUT; You are not allowed to sell or offer your MYO as an offer.
Can I exchange a MYO with you? No. You can only get MYO through Actions.
Can I change / exchange given traits? No.
Do I have to use all given traits? No. If you want a normal Akairavess - with only normal traits - you can simply do that!
No MYO but ... You are welcome to create your Future / Wish Akairavess. But you CAN NOT officially post it or RPGnwith it. Only after receiving an official MYO.
Bases, references etc.
If you use bases / references etc., please always give the author.
(Optional: post the original in the comments below)
OTA, PTA ... Private bidding at OTA is not allowed.
An OTA must always be finished before you take part in a new OTA (same applies to PTA).
You have max. half a year for an offer. If something happens or so, just let us know.
For PTA you have max. 1 month to pay!
Give / give away existing Akairavess Adopt If you no longer want your Akairavess, you FIRST write the admins and do not act on your own.

After a conversation you can then give away your Akairavess.
- If you have bought your Akairavess, you may only sell it for the same price or less.
- If you got your Akairavess via OTA, you may offer it again as OTA.
- Everything else can be offered as a raffle, WTA or give away.
With the passing of your Akairavess you give all rights to the new owner.
Change existing Akairavess You are welcome to change things like hair or clothes freely. Traits CAN NOT be easily changed.
Changes always have to be approved.
RPGs If you would like RPGn, you can write posts in the group, write to people privately, or post in Yooco's forum. You don't need permission for that.
But please indicate when trigger scenes are.
OC actions/ raffles FB When you do OC-actions on your sides, you can share these gladly in the group.
Same applies to raffles.
BUT; You have to be able to win at least something that has something to do with the Akairavess. (E.g. a drawing wish etc. and not an Pokemon Keychain, for example)

You have more questions to ask? Just write us!

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