Final exam Your Akairavess has successfully passed all 6 quests and now it's time to graduate! The completion of an Akairavess at the Akaiva school is always celebrated very big. Family members, the gods, and the entire school are gathered on this special day. Now your Akairavess only has to take his certificate, which certifies that he passed the school successfully. After that your Akairavess is free and can join a clan or enjoy his life. All that needs to be done to achieve this is the...
Abschlussprüfung Dein Akairavess hat alle 6 Quests erfolgreich bestanden und nun ist es Zeit für seinen Abschluss! Der Abschluss eines Akairavess an der Akaiva Schule wird immer sehr groß gefeiert. Familienmitglieder, die Götter und die gesamte Schule sind an diesen einem besonderen Tag versammelt. Nun muss dein Akairavess nur noch seine Urkunde entgegennehmen, die bescheinigt, dass er die Schule erfolgreich bestanden hat. Danach ist dein Akairavess frei und kann einem Clan beitreten oder...
Culture, gods, languages, mathematics ... all these are things that make up our everyday lives. Therefore, every Akairavess should have some basic knowledge and should be able to apply it. Whether it is good or bad, the main thing is that you know something! How much does your Akairavess know and can he use his knowledge well? Task: Draw / write how your Akairavess explains a topic (of your choice) in front of his classmates on a blackboard and how he afterwards writes a test about the topic....
It can always be that one spontaneously needs a thicker sweater for cold continents or a net for catching fish or other small animals. But sometimes you may not even be close to a city or anything like that and you can't buy anything accordingly. What now? Now it is time to work! Task: Have your Akairavess make an item (or clothing) with an material of your choice and show how your Akairavess uses / wears this item! Minimum Requirement to Pass the Quest: Min. 2 pictures (at least outlines or...
There are 7 continents, 7 cities, an infinite number of inhabitants.Is it even possible to know everything and everyone? It's time for your Akairavess to take a closer look at a continent of your choice and explore it from the smallest grain of sand to the highest mountain. Look at plants, animals and cities. Explore everything, collect everything interesting and talk to all sorts of inhabitants! Task: Let your Akairavess travel to a continent of your choice and explore it. Draw / write how he...
On all continents Amidan's grow and thrive all sorts of plants. Big, small, poisonous, prickly, fluffy ... and much more. In the libraries Aine Og's are already many books of all sorts of plants, but now it's time for your Akairavess to take a close look at a plant !! Task: Think of a plant and its continent of origin. Draw / describe how your Akairavess makes its way to the said continent, explores it and finds the plant. Then it's time to analyze the plant in detail, experiment with it and...
The world of Akairavess is huge, in some places still unexplored and dangerous. It’s important that everyone knows how to defend themselves. Whether with fists or magic. But when, where and, above all, how do you use magic? In theory, magic can be applied anywhere on Amidan, but within cities it is rather reluctant to use malicious magic against other (innocent) Akairavess. Victims of an attack, of course, can defend themselves in a dangerous situation anytime with magic or physical attacks!...
Boku is one of the best-known Ravess of the Akaiva school. He is often used for beginners and advanced, so he is already pretty tame and well trained.He is fed every day b y all kinds of students, trained and of course they also play with him diligently. He has sufficient exercise, but may only stay on the Akaiva campus. As a student of the Akaiva School, it is also your Akairavess's job to train, feed and ride on him! Task: Draw / write how your Akairavess meets Boku, trains him (at least...
Kultur, Götter, Sprachen, Mathematik… all dies sind Dinge die unseren Alltag ausmachen und mit welchen wir unser ganzes Leben lang zu tun haben. Daher sollte jeder Akairavess ein gewisses Grundwissen mit sich bringen und dieses auch anwenden können. Ob man es nun gut kann oder schlecht, Hauptsache man weiß was! Wieviel weiß dein Akairavess und kann er sein Wissen gut anwenden? Aufgabe: Zeichne / Schreibe, wie dein Akairavess in der Schule vor seinen Mitschülern an einer Tafel ein Thema...
Es kann immer sein, dass man spontan mal einen dickeren Pullover für kalte Kontinente braucht oder ein Netz zum Fangen von Fischen oder anderen Kleintieren. Aber manchmal kann es sein, dass man nicht mal annähernd in der Nähe von einer Stadt oder ähnlichem ist und man dementsprechend nichts kaufen kann. Was nun? Nun heißt es, selbst ans Werk! Aufgabe: Lass deinen Akairavess einen Gegenstand ( oder Kleidung ) aus einem Material deiner Wahl anfertigen und zeige, wie dein Akairavess diesen...