You want to earn some extra points? Here you now have the chance to earn more points through FanArt's of other Akairavess! You don't get points for your own characters here, you have to do the other quests for that!
In this J4F quest line, you can turn your OC into an Akairavess for a short time! T
In dieser J4F Questreihe, könnt ihr euren OC für kurze Zeit zu einem Akairavess machen!
[ENG] Everyone knows them, everyone loves them. Pets!
In this fun quest, draw your Akairavess with common pets like dogs, cats, rodents or birds! The Akairavess is welcome to keep this pet afterwards!
Give your Akairavess, just for this quest, pet traits like dog ears and tail, or bird wings.
Keep in mind that these pets / pet traits are also black and can have primary and secondary color (this is optional).
Akaiva (English) · 04. Januar 2019
Final exam Your Akairavess has successfully passed all 6 quests and now it's time to graduate! The completion of an Akairavess at the Akaiva school is always celebrated very big. Family members, the gods, and the entire school are gathered on this special day. Now your Akairavess only has to take his certificate, which certifies that he passed the school successfully. After that your Akairavess is free and can join a clan or enjoy his life. All that needs to be done to achieve this is the...
Akaiva (Deutsch) · 04. Januar 2019
Abschlussprüfung Dein Akairavess hat alle 6 Quests erfolgreich bestanden und nun ist es Zeit für seinen Abschluss! Der Abschluss eines Akairavess an der Akaiva Schule wird immer sehr groß gefeiert. Familienmitglieder, die Götter und die gesamte Schule sind an diesen einem besonderen Tag versammelt. Nun muss dein Akairavess nur noch seine Urkunde entgegennehmen, die bescheinigt, dass er die Schule erfolgreich bestanden hat. Danach ist dein Akairavess frei und kann einem Clan beitreten oder...
[ENG] The Akairavess make a trip to the Splatoon Universe !! Draw your Akairavess as Inkling or Octoling from Splatoon, also if you like with his favorite weapon!
Your Akairavess is married and slowly the desire for children is getting bigger? With this quest, your Akairavess couple can give birth to a child.
Dein Akairavess ist verheiratet und langsam wird der Kinderwunsch immer größer? Mit dieser Quest kann euer Akairavess Ehepaar ein Kind auf die Welt bringen.